
All That Glitters is Not Gucci


Good morning everyone! It seems like the week has gone by so fast because it's already WEDNESDAY!! I'm not sure why but whenever we have a major holiday (in this case, Fourth of July) and we have a day off, I always get thrown off on the days!! That was totally off topic but I'm just saying. ANYWAYS...

First, I want to tell you about a clothing item I really have loved for the past 5 months or so, it's from Anthropologie, and yesterday I nearly had a heart attack because it went on sale!! Well apparently everyone else had one too because it was all sold out! *tear* Alas my love, we were never meant to be together! *dies* Anyways, I'll find one eventually and it shall be mine muahaha! 
Let's see these beautiful shoes I found! Omnomnomnom (yes I just ate that shoe and it was delicious)
Casadei Saturn Peep-Toe Pump
The last think I wanted to show you guys is my daily *weekly* love. It's really plain and simple but it really caught my eye because well, simplicity is always in and I like simple things. But the fact of the matter is, it's not super boring. We have the eye-catcher (is that what it would be?) The bow draws all the attention.


Marc by Marc Jacobs Bow-embellished cardigan

Marc by Marc Jacobs Bow-Embellished Cardigan,Net-a-porter.com,$160
 In concluding this post, I have a question for you all, what is your favorite store and do you like simple things? Or are you more of a stick-out-like-a-sore-thumb kind of person? Or maybe a combination of the two?? Comment below! 

XOXO Tootles!


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